There have been many great rock and/or roll documentaries: “Gimmie Shelter”, “It Might Get Loud”, “Rattle and Hum”, but there can only be one. In the world of rock n’ roll narratives, they often follow Dennis Leary’s description of music fame: “I’m drunk. I’m nobody. I’m drunk. I’m famous. I’m drunk. I’m dead.”
The rock doc I speak of is a touching narrative about a man with a true addiction. A fall from grace or a rise from the ashes? Who’s to say? It hasn’t claimed Dave…yet. Many people drink coffee every day. They joke about their addiction to java. Their attraction to double shots. Their need for the right amount of accoutrements. The need for it, fresh and hot and often. Bank statements with line after line of Starbucks charges.
So, for the brevity, the passion and a good cast and portrayal of one man, his struggles and those around him, I nominate “Fresh Pots” as the best rock doc ever.