Boner Candidate #1 – If we pray hard enough your father will come back
Photo Courtesy By Dennis Jarvis
A small community of Christians in Canada left the body of a deceased member for six months trusting God to resurrect him from the dead. The Crown found no criminal intent and the grieving widow was ordered to seek public health counseling.Read Here
Boner Candidate #2 – Dive, Dive, Dive,
Photo Courtesy By Riccardo Cuppini
Some of the first female sailors to serve on Navy submarines were secretly recorded while they undressed. Read Here
Boner Candidate #3 – Let’s have an aids free Christmas
Photo Courtesy By JD Hancock
Steven Anderson, the foot-stomping, bible-thumping pastor of Arizona’s small Faithful Word Baptist Church, says the bible states that LGBT people deserve to die for “committing an abomination.” Read Here
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