Alt. Rock News

Boner of the Day October 31, 2014


Boner Candidate #1 – We Had to Let the Old Chap Know We We Were Serious

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Seventy-five-year-old Roger Hoeppner’s owed the town of Stettin, Wisc. an outstanding fine of $80,000. Earlier this month, 24 police officers descended on his 20 acre property to collect the fine with an armored car in tow. When police arrived, Hoeppner was filing medication into his pill organizer. (Read More)

Boner Candidate #2 – Can’t We All Just Agree That Guns and Schools Don’t Mix?

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A Massachusetts teen who was suspended from school after a photo of her and her boyfriend holding Airsoft rifles was posted on Facebook made an innocent mistake that the school has “blown out of proportion,” her father said Wednesday. (Read More)

Boner Candidate #3 – I’m a Kidder, you Could Call me President Kidder!



Photo Credit: USC Upstate


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is toying with the idea of a presidential bid, joked in a private gathering this month that “white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency,” according to an audio recording of his comments provided to CNN. (Read More)


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