Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, and the VMAs: A Tone-Policing Palooza
Nicki Minaj didn’t, in the end, say much to Miley Cyrus at all. If you only read the comments that lit up the Internet at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, you might think she was kidding, or got cut off, when she “called out” the former Disney star who was hosting: “And now, back to this bitch that had a lot to say about me the other day in the press. Miley, what’s good?”
Taylor Swift makes VERY strange noise at MTV VMAs while introducing new video Wildest Dreams
Taylor Swift made a VERY strange noise at the MTV VMAs last night, sparking a debate about whether she had broken wind or not.
High school wants Tom Hanks to attend their homecoming
You were to make bets on which celebrity would attend a random school dance out of the kindness of their hearts, Tom Hanks would definitely be in the top five. Right? Well, one high school in California certainly hopes that such a lofty assumption is true.
Hulk Hogan asks forgiveness for racist comments, says he considered suicide
In an emotional interview with Good Morning America on Monday morning, Hulk Hogan asked the audience for forgiveness for racist comments he made in a video that was leaked earlier this summer.
WWE Seth Rollins’ GF Fired for Nazi Pics
WWE diva Zahra Schreiber, the girlfriend of WWE superstar Seth Rollins, has been fired from the organization because of pro-Nazi artwork she posted on her Instagram.
Why Bill Murray agreed to appear in the next Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters fans around the world rejoiced earlier this month, when it was revealed Bill Murray will make a cameo in Paul Feig’s upcoming reboot.