[ooyala code=”h3aW95cjosAQFUdE4rtbU2W_EAD_Hg4-” player_id=”258a47f00034483a2bece02d4fc1dc8″]
Synopsis: After working for more than 20 years as a counterterrorism informant for the FBI, ***** has a choice to make. He can stay home to raise his son or do one last high-stakes job for the Bureau. Infiltrating terror networks and befriending suspected terrorists is *****’s specialty. He is one of a growing number of covert operatives in America who straddle the murky line between preventing crimes and inventing them.
[ooyala code=”YyN3B5cjp3S4j3smo640N0zuAcDKt01-” player_id=”258a47f00034483a2bece02d4fc1dc8″]
Synopsis: Chained by her ankle and locked away in the dismal basement of a sexual predator, Eve has been missing and presumed dead for some time. Lost to her family and friends, she wastes away in isolation between horrifying visits from her vile captor, who remains unaware that Eve has been maniacally planning her escape. With a carefully placed brick, she beats him senseless as he approaches and frees herself from his grasp at the outset of the film. But too quickly, she learns there are other girls in other houses facing sinister fates of their own. Making a deal with the devil, she vows to save them all, turning her torturer into her prisoner, one who will lead her to his prey one by one.
Twitter: @darkfactory_
[ooyala code=”NweXB5cjpnhcTJ2XP0BaiVRADKD5V9ro” player_id=”258a47f00034483a2bece02d4fc1dc8″]
Synopsis: Fern Petersen, an independently minded 17-year-old, tries to move on with her life after her overly affectionate boyfriend Robert Klingher dies in an embarrassing accident. But when Robert returns from the dead as a romantically frustrated ghost, he has other plans. As he plots to kill Fern so they can be together forever, Fern will have to fight to stay in the world of the living.
Twitter: @ClingerTheMovie