Alt. Rock News

Boner Candidates September 29th, 2015



Image by: Nichole Burrows

It was supposed to be a free exam at a clinic for women who couldn’t afford to go anywhere else. Instead, it ended up cost them dearly. Female patients showed up to Dr. Jeffrey J. Abrams’s San Diego-area clinic with health problems as minor as a stomach ache or skin rash. Most of them were poor; many were immigrants who spoke little English. But they all quickly found themselves as the physician’s prey – ordered to strip naked as the bespectacled doctor with silver hair molested and photographed them under the guise of a medical exam. One victim was only eight years old. On Friday, a San Diego County judge sentenced Abrams to a year of house arrest for eight counts of sexual penetration of an unconscious person, three counts of sexual battery and one count of possession of child pornography. He was stripped of his medical license and labeled a sex offender. “He is being publicly shamed now by all of you,” attorney Jessica Pride, who represents 10 of the 12 victims, told reporters after the sentencing. “He spent a great deal of time building his reputation which is now tainted and ruined as a result of this.”

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Image by: Paul Snelling 

Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murdering teenager Trayvon Martin but admitted to killing him in “self-defense,” has been enjoying a lot of free time since the case ended; generally being involved in a racially-charged killing is not great for one’s reputation. One of his favorite pastimes has been trolling people on Twitter. He’s threatened people and even bragged about killing Martin, but in case there was any doubt as to how low he was going to stoop, wonder no more. When one “fan” of Zimmerman tweeted a photo of Trayvon Martin’s dead body saying “Z-Man is a one man army,” Zimmerman retweeted it

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Boner Candidate #3: HEY IT’S ME AGAIN


Image by: @Bistri

A video-calling service for the deaf is suing a Brooklyn man for abusing the company’s software, the New York Post reports. David Marcano allegedly made 4,646 calls using the Florida-based service, ZVRS, solely for the purpose of masturbating in front of its employees. Here is how the service works, according to the Post: via video chat, a deaf person calls one of ZVRS’s sign-language interpreters, who then acts as an operator, placing a call to a third party and translating on the deaf person’s behalf. But Marcano, 51, isn’t deaf. Since January 1st, he has made over 4,000 calls “for the sole purpose of masturbating in view of ZVRS’s employees,” ZVRS says in a suit seeking unspecified damages. “In every call made through ZVRS’s software platform, Marcano appears on the video call for the purpose of exposing his genitals or masturbating to ZVRS’s female staff,” according to the suit.

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