All things being equal, there are folks who are less attractive. Sure, I get the “we are all beautiful and unique” rhetoric, but there are people who you would probably want to participate in mating rituals with based on their looks alone. Yes, it makes you shallow, but it also makes you human. The difference between being shallow and not being shallow is knowing you are shallow. It’s not any different than what they say about crazy people: “crazy people are crazy because they don’t knowing they are crazy.” If you recognize bad behaviour in yourself then you can consciously work on fixing it and working toward a nicer, more accepting you. This leads to making more friends, having richer friendships and being called “asshole” less or perhaps even not at all. You can read more about that in this biting article here.
Is is okay to bully sometimes? Well, you would need to define what being a bully is. Maybe it’s when someone takes people at their worst and uses that to entertain other people. Let’s call this a shame experiment. In this example, Dr. Phil has taken a group of bullies and tries to deconstruct what makes them bullies. Essentially, he is attempting to shame them for ratings…I mean enlightenment. It is hard to know if they learn anything, but what we do know is these kids are perceptive enough to recognize the traits of an old, bald, exploitive TV celebrity and call him out on it. If anything we know their eyes work. Sadly, his self-esteem and bank account are too large to have any self-reflecting effect. Social scientists have named this The Kardashian-Effect for obvious reasons. Let’s not worry about that as the majority of us reading this are 46%ers, so we can’t afford to understand this level of self-esteem anyway.
Never forget: shame is no longer embarrassing – shame is a commodity. Cash in while you can and feel better about yourself.
If that doesn’t work, try this kick-ass Arctic Monkey music video. I’ve put the lyrics below so you can sing along.
Arabella’s got some interstellar-gator skin boots
And a helter skelter ’round her little finger and I ride it endlessly
She’s got a Barbarella silver swimsuit
And when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams
My days end best when this sunset gets itself
Behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side
It’s much less picturesque without her catching the light
The horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes
As Arabella
As Arabella
Just might have tapped into your mind and soul
You can’t be sure
Arabella’s got a 70’s head
But she’s a modern lover
It’s an exploration, she’s made of outer space
And her lips are like the galaxy’s edge
And her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place
My days end best when this sunset gets itself
Behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side
It’s much less picturesque without her catching the light
The horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes
As Arabella
As Arabella
Just might have tapped into your mind and soul
You can’t be sure
That’s magic in a cheetah print coat
Just a slip underneath it I hope
Asking if I can have one of those
Organic cigarettes that she smokes
Wraps her lips round the Mexican coke
Makes you wish that you were the bottle
Takes a sip of your soul and it sounds like…
Just might have tapped into your mind and soul
You can’t be sure