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10 Best Viral Videos of 2014

Never have videos spread so fast or become so popular, as they proved to do in 2014. Long are the days when the “Average Joe” didn’t stand a chance of becoming a household name. Adults, kids and even a few animals all made their internet mark in 2014. Check out what garnered the most success, becoming a viral video still talked about even as the year comes to a close.

Father, Daughter Do Lip Dub of “Fancy”: In a year that was all about Frozen, this father-daughter duo decided to stick with an edgier tune. We all know the song, and we’ve probably all seen the video or at least heard about it.

An 11-Year Old Dances to Anaconda: 11 million views ain’t too bad for an 11 year old. Nor is being picked up to perform on The Ellen Show. I think this qualifies as viral by definition.

Jimmy Fallon’s Lip Sync Battle with Emma Stone: how could you not expect a video that includes both Emma Stone and Jimmy Fallon to not be viral?

Man Stuck in Airport Makes Celine Dion Music Video: what to do while stuck in an airport overnight? Come up with an idea to pass the time AND become an overnight internet sensation. Well played, Richard Dunn.

Dog Passes Out From Overwhelming Joy: An incredibly excited dog that just can’t contain his happiness is the equivalent of 39 million views. In case you were wondering.

The Lion King Takes Over NYC Subway: how about a little flashmob, Broadway style to garner some YouTube views?

Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos: I had to stop counting the amount of times coworkers and friends showed me this video. Yet, somehow, it never really got too old. Cute is cute, I suppose?

KTVA Reporter Quits On-Air: nothing like a TV reporter announcing “f—k it” and then quitting her job during a LIVE report, all in the name of marijuana, to make for a little TV drama.

Kevin Spacey’s Celebrity Impressions: Random celebrity impersonations by celebrities. Yep. YouTube crowd pleaser.

IKEA: Experience the Power of a BookBook: 12 Million Views. That’s pretty impressive for an advertisement. Considering it’s a furniture company poking fun at arguably the top company in cutting-edge mobile technology, helps a little.

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