It’s official! After reading Todd’s blog earlier today about our shared love for 80’s and 90’s industrial music. X96 is going to celebrate “Black Friday” the best way we know how. With a night of metal clanking angry dudes sharing their feelings. So bust out that faded Skinny Puppy concert T, and lace up your old Docs. This year from 10-Midnight we will be bringing you “Industrial Black Friday”!
I only shop on Black Friday, because that’s how I feel inside.
I have always had a special spot in the collection for Industrial. Even through my grunge phase, and as a young punk kid I would secretly wince when The Vandals would make fun of KMFDM while playing punk shows in the basement of DV8. Shamefull as I was, I never stopped loving Front 242 or NIN. SO, since Nuke Em posted HIS top ten earlier, here’s MY top 10 industrial songs to get you warmed up for a REAL Black Friday!
1- Ministry – Burning Inside
I had a “Burning Inside” T-shirt which had a gun pointed at a duds face, which got me a day suspension from Bennion Jr High School in 1992.
2 – Front 242 Headhunter
My friend Andy Nielsen turned me on to Front 242 when he let me borrow his Front By Front tape when we were in the 7th grade. He later lost the tape in the couch cushions of the Bennion Jr High Library. It might still be in there somewhere.
3 – Nitzer Ebb – Violent Playground
Ebb’s “That Total Age” was not their most popular release, but I got it one year for Christmas, and therefor it is my favorite. To this day it make me think of Santa. In FACT, I still play it at Christmas time.
4 – 1000 Homo DJ’s – Supernaut
Still one of the GREATEST band names EVER. My brother gave me this CD while HE was working for X96 in 1993 and I laughed until I peed.
5 – Sheep On Drugs – Motorbike.
I totally forgot about this track until making this list. But now that I listen to it again it totally takes me back. Plus it could easily pass for something that David Guetta would play. A song talking about Jesus riding a motorcycle. No wonder my parents thought I was a mess.
6 – KMFDM – Light
Don’t get me wrong, as a fan there are at least 5 other KMFDM songs I could put on my list. At first I was going to go with “Sex On The Flag”. That was, after all the first KMFDM song I heard (on X96 no less). But it didn’t have as much of a connection to me as Light. I even though about putting “Sucks” since the lyrics always made me laugh, and I once bout a cassingle of that track at Media Play in Taylorsville. But Light was a track that stood out, especially after the 1995 “Death Of Alternative” show that we collectively agree did not happen. Remember when Dink opened that show? That was awesome. (Notice the featured image, that poster is still in my parents basement!)
7 – REVCO – Do Ya Think I’m Sexy
I remember laughing my ass off at “Beers Steers and Queers” from REVCO (I’m using the radio friendly version of the name), But I snagged this tape from Bessie The Milk Beast while my frinds and I were waiting to go into the Nine Inch Nails show in October of 1994. So it wins.
8 – Nine Inch Nails – Suck
Hardly the best NIN song in the world, but the whole “hidden track” thing was bad ass! The live version that X96 had was much cooler. Bet your ass we’ll play it on Friday.
9 – My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult – After The Flesh
THE CROW SOUNDTRACK! Required reading for all 90’s music fans. I would listen to this song to get all hyped up before going to work at the Alien Encounters Haunted House on Redwood Road.
10- Stabbing Westward – Save Yourself
I don’t have any sort of nostgalgic story for this one. I just like it. Plus, angry dude in the desert with a keyboard. That’s a win for everyone.
So while there will be no line to get into “Confetti’s” this Black Friday, that building is now a Walgreen’s so you can probably score some black nail polish and a killer deal on some Christmas lights.