Yes, the rumors are true: we are moving! Moving is always a time filled with nostalgia, reminiscing “good times”, and reverence. Just kidding, moving BLOWS! We couldn’t be more excited to get out of this dump. here are a few things that we will *ahem* “miss” about our current studio:
The “amazing” wiring throughout this building
We will definitely miss all of these loose wires hanging out of the walls everywhere. Nothing says home like safety hazards!
All the random dead plants
We really don’t know how these got here… but we can’t wait to have them GONE. FOREVER. Even if calling Justin Beiber a Lesbian is kinda funny, we’d still not prefer to see his face around here.
All this random stuff
We are done with all these rusty sinks, randoms rooms full of other station’s crap, and empty pizza boxes lying around that give me nothing but FALSE HOPE!!!! Some days, it’s almost like we need the guys from hoarders to come help us out because some people can’t organize their crap! AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DIS!! On a side note, I could really go for some pizza right about now.
…and whatever this is
I see this everyday… and everyday I wish I could unsee it.
We will start moving next week. Our new address will be 50 West 300 S in Salt Lake City.