Here at X96 we have been asked to blog regularly. I have decided that I will answer one question each day and that will serve as my blog. Sometimes they will be long. Other times, I imagine they will be short. Questions can be about whatever people choose to ask me.
Today’s Question: from Tebbanie Hampton – What influence (+ / -) has the availability of digital music had on radio?
My Answer:
Digital music and its availability has changed the face of radio. People who once had to wait through commercials to hear their favorite song, now are able to buy that song(s) and listen to it as many times as they want commercial free. Where once they had to buy an entire album if the song they liked wasn’t available as a single, now every song is a single.
Music is more mobile. Music is a bigger part of life then it ever has been. Radio stations are competing with anything you put in your ears or turn your attention to.
I believe that it actually has helped radio. Where once we took for granted being the music source for people, we now have to compete. With that competition we have to be more in tune with what you (collectively) want. We have to be more cutting edge and, as personalities, we have to become more important. We have to be more local, more up to date, and more in tune now than ever before. Pandora, I Heart Radio etc…are great if you wanna listen to music, but you can get that music anywhere and anytime. If you want Richie T there is only one place you can get it and that’s right here on X96.
If you have a question you would like me to answer in my blog please send it [email protected] and put 1 Question in your subject line.
Tell me I can’t and I’ll show you I can!
A transplant to Utah but, it’s where I call home now.
I love watching sports. I have a soft spot for animals. Music makes my world come alive.
I’m single and really do wanna mingle!
My mantra, “Above all else, do not lose your desire to walk.”
Featured Image by *Grammaticus Bramlington