Alt. Rock News

Boner Candidates for November 13th

Boner Candidate #1 – Moms. Your place is home


Photo Courtesy By James Thompson

Kirk Cameron took to his pulpit on Facebook Tuesday to remind moms what they really want and need for Christmas: a video from Kirk Cameron on the importance of keeping house. Read Here

Boner Candidate #2 – You should just be greatful you are alive


Photo Courtesy By  Bijl

A woman who nearly died of cardiac arrest last year is now facing bankruptcy because she was taken to the “wrong” hospital while unconscious. Although she has insurance, the medical center that saved her life is out-of-network. Read Here

Boner Candidate #3 – Is that a chainsaw in your pants or are you just glad..


Photo Courtesy By Minh Nguyen

A Florida man is accused of shoplifting a chainsaw by stuffing the heavy machinery down his shorts and under his T-shirt, the TC Palm reports. Read Here

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