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70 Thoughts You Have While Watching The Brand New Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer

2:05 – That is the whole point of this movie. How many good guys stay good? Batman doesn’t believe Superman has the ability to stay good, no matter what his current intentions are. He has too much power. Superman is going to get tired of all the B.S. and just take over. Probably in the next movie…


0:00 – FINALLY!!

0:03 – Yes!!

0:11 – Who is that? Truth = Superman… Right?

0:12 – That’s a lot of signs.


0:12 – I didn’t know God hates aliens.

0:14 – Aliens are Un-American… haha.

0:18 – Truth, justice, and the American way, dummy.

0:24 – Dangerous? What if Superman just started laser eye frying everyone?

0:25 – Ben Affleck.

0:26 – Running fast.

0:28 – Oh sweet… It’s a flashback to Man of Steel when Zod and Supe were leveling Metropolis… Only from Bruce Wayne’s point of view.

0:32 – Yeah, now I see why he might be angry…

0:34 – Ben Affleck running fast.

0:39 – It would be hard to breathe in that.


0:43 – Yeah, he’s mad. Does Batman have kids? Ben Affleck is going to kill this role.

0:48 – Hey dumb lady, he was just trying to save you. Zod was going to kill you whether he was there or not.

0:49 – Zack Snyder. BAMF. If he makes Superman a bad guy I’ll hate him… or maybe I’ll love him more.

0:59 – Is that Alfred? Uh oh… Supe and Zod wrecked Batman’s buliding.

1:00 – Oh… Zack Snyder is making Batman the bad guy…?

1:07 – Good men cruel? So he’s not technically a bad guy?

1:12 – So Batman is going nuts, vigilante style. Obviously trying to get Superman’s attention.

1:17 – Uh, yeah he does… He’s Superman.

1:19 – But Clark is Superman, Perry!

1:22 – Lois.


1:24 – Lois making Supe feel good about what he’s been doing.

1:28 – Superman saving folks from regular stuff like floods and fires… This is what I missed in Man of Steel.

1:29 – Do people worship Superman?

1:32 – Ma Kent preaching!

1:36 – So… what? A lot of people with skull face paint are touching Supe. Awkward. I think they worship him like hes a god.

1:40 – Who blew up the rocket? Is that Russian? Is Superman going to be Russian now?

1:42 – Be none of it? Deep… Ma Kent FTW!

1:47 – She’s right.


1:50 – Why TF does Lex Luthor have hair?

1:51 – Is that a wig, Lex?

1:53 – Oh, she’s a senator.

1:55 – Kneel before… Lex? Why does Lex Luthor have hair?

1:57 – Supe doesn’t like Lex.


1:58 – Zod’s dead body!? Are they going to use his DNA to make Nuclear Man? (Please no)

2:02 – Oh, Batman is retired and nobody likes him. He’s jealous of Supe.


2:03 – Wonder Woman?

2:05 – That is the whole point of this movie. How many good guys stay good? Batman doesn’t believe Superman has the ability to stay good, no matter what his current intentions are. He has too much power. Superman is going to get tired of all the B.S. and just take over. Probably in the next movie… or after the Justice League movies… or never… How crazy would that be if this Superman story led to him being the ultimate destroyer because he got so tired of how stupid humans are?

2:08 – Yep. Batman is scared Supe is going to snap and kill everyone… Just like Zod did.


2:09 – Kryptonite eyes, Batman?

2:14 – Bat signal… Challenging Supe to a fight I bet.

2:22 – Good luck with that.

2:25 – 2016!? Why do they make me wait so long!?!?

2:29 – Batman’s dad?

2:30 – Yep.

2:33 – More Kryptonians?

2:35 – Wonder Woman?


2:36 – YES! Wonder Woman!

2:37 – What does Wonder Woman have to do with any of this?

2:39 – Batman is really cranky.

2:40 – Superman has an army?


2:41 – They wear his “S” and kill people? WAIT. That’s not Batman. Batman has an army of people who wear fake Batman masks?

2:44 – Superman is tired of Batman’s shit.

2:46 – Alfred is trying to talk some sense into Batman… at least I think that’s Alfred.

2:48 – Why does Lex Luthor have hair? Oooooooooh… that’s Kryptonite. Where did they get it? Maybe Zod’s World Engine had something to do with it.

2:50 – Yeah, right.


2:52 – Wonder Woman… yea!

2:55 – Ok, someone is dead.

2:57 – Batman is so lucky.

2:58 – Why does Lex Luthor have hair?

2:59 – Ok… Since Lois knows Clark is Superman, which one do you think she likes better?

3:02 – More building smashing, yea!


3:05 – Why does Lex Luthor have hair?

3:14 – Haha… Batman is F’d.

3:17 – Yep.


3:18 – Or… wait…

3:23 – Yessssssssssssssssss……

3:27 – Dawn of Justice = Sun rising on the Justice League? Nailed it.

In case you haven’t seen it, or you want to watch it again and again, here’s the official trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:

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