Alt. Rock News

Boner of the Day – November 10, 2014

Boner Candidate #1 – She Planted Them Fake Choppers on Me


Photo Courtesy by George Gorgo

A Massachusetts woman has been charged with assault after yanking the false teeth out of a bartender’s mouth and then throwing a beer bottle at her. (Read Story)

Boner Candidate #2 – Sum Bitch Was Gonna Hurt The Turtle


Photo Courtesy by John

According to The Palm Beach Post, a 53-year-old Florida woman is facing criminal charges after, authorities allege, she stabbed her boyfriend for threatening her turtle. (Read Story)

Boner Candidate #3 – Here’s Your Evil Stick Honey



Photo Courtesy by vintagefaerie

What little girl doesn’t want a sparkling pink princess wand that holds a dark suicidal secret?

Nicole Allen, a mother in Dayton, Ohio, is not too happy with her local dollar store after purchasing something that looked like an innocent toy: a pink, plastic wand in a fun, purple package. After giving the toy to her sweet two-year-old daughter, the young girl promptly peeled off its foil cover, revealing a vivid image of a big-eyed, bloody-toothed demon lady slitting her wrist. Fun! (Read Story)

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